Morning sickness is something that occurs in roughly 75 percent of all moms-to-be in America. It isn't uncommon. It is often touted as a pregnancy-type nausea that only occurs during the first trimester of a pregnancy and in the morning. However, the truth is that it can actually occur during the final two trimesters of your pregnancy as well and at any time of the day. It can sometimes help to eat small meals throughout the day rather than three larger meals since you aren't overloading your stomach.
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The Myth Of Acne And How To Tell If Products Are Working
Those who suffer from acne have likely tried a number of different methods to get rid of the unsightly problem. If you are trying brand new acne medication, you may be looking for the first sign of results. Here are some myths that come along with acne products and how you should deal with skin results, or a lack thereof.
Skin purging is not a "thing"
Many people perpetuate the myth that acne will get worse before it gets better when you are starting a brand new acne regimen.
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Do You Have Halitosis? Learn The Symptoms, Causes, And How To Diagnose It
Bad breath, otherwise known as halitosis, is when your mouth has a very foul odor. It can be a problem that lasts a short while or a long time in extreme situations, typically due to the bacteria that collects in your mouth and on your tongue. Know the symptoms, causes, and how to diagnose halitosis to better understand your bad breath.
Causes of Halitosis
A common cause of halitosis is not practicing proper dental hygiene.
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Managing Workstation Light To Prevent Computer Vision Syndrome
Bright light or glare is one of the causes of computer vision syndrome. Therefore, it's important to manage your room's lighting whenever you are working on your computer. This means that you need to manage not only the light from your computer but also all other sources of light in the room. Here are four things you can do to achieve this:
Eliminate Exterior Light
Your working area should be free of exterior light, such as glares streaming in through the windows.
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